The Jonkers & Partners network of expert corporate and financial translators operates under the watchful eye of Dominique Jonkers. Dominique, a former banker and a pioneer in the field of specialized financial translation, brings more than two decades of industry experience to your translation projects.
The hallmarks of the Jonkers & Partners network – agility, flexibility, and industry expertise – ensure that every translation is delivered on time and completed to your standards.
Our role is part science and part art. As translators we step into your shoes, treating your financial, business, and marketing messages as if they were our own. We consistently produce faithful, elegant, and compelling translations that convey your messages just as well as your original documents.
Members of the Jonkers & Partners network stand out for their atypical backgrounds, which couple professional experience in banking, finance, and business with solid language skills. It is this unique combination of specific skills that has enabled our members to build thriving translation practices.
At Jonkers & Partners, we believe in what legal experts call intuitu personae – or solid person-to-person relationships.
We do not translate words, paragraphs, or even entire documents. We translate your message – and only in the fields of banking, finance, and business.
Copyright © 2009 - Dominique Jonkers
Réalisation du site : XP-Internet